Ii.2 measuring devices, Ii.3 computer system – Brookfield R/S CPS Rheometer User Manual
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Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
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Manual No. M08-218-B0212
II.2 Measuring Devices
The basic instrument is equipped with a temperature controlled bottom measuring plate. At least
one measuring cone or one measuring plate is required as a rotating element for an operational
measuring system. These rotating elements are not part of the basic equipment of the R/S CPS+
Rheometer; they must be ordered explicitly depending on your requirements.
Computer System
The computer system control of the R/S CPS+ is optional and provides automatic measuring, data
plots, printing (full reports or data plots) as well as analysis of results and quality control charts.
The recommended computer system has the following minimum requirements:
- CPU / 1 GHz minimum
- 512 MB RAM (main memory)
- 500 MB free hard disk capacity
Compatible operating system includes:
- Microsoft Windows 2000™, Windows XP™, Windows 7™ or Vista™
- mouse and keyboard
- VGA graphic card and monitor
- 1 free serial interface
Software RHEO
RS232 (Data transmission)
Printer when
using R/S-CPS
without computer
Printer when
using R/S-CPS
remote controlled
R/S-CP S Rhe om eter
Figure II-2.: Computer System for R/S-CPS+ Rheometer