Vi.6.2 utilities → edit program – Brookfield R/S CPS Rheometer User Manual
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Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 33
Manual No. M08-218-B0212
VI.6.2 Utilities → Edit Program
This function allows the input of new programs and the modification of existing programs.
The programs may be run after a successful creation via the menu level “Program Measure-
ment” in the main menu.
The following values are user-definable in a program:
• measuring system to be used
• number of steps
• start and end value of each step
• number of measuring points in the program
• duration of measurement
Preset value as a function of time:
A standard measurement is shown in the following example:
• 1st step: shear rate increases within 60 sec from 10.00 to 100.00 s
• 2nd step: shear rate remains at 100. 00 s
for 60 seconds
• 3rd step: shear rate decreases from 100.00 back to 10.00 s
within 60 seconds
This measurement consists of three steps, each lasting 60 seconds and containing a number
of measuring points.
The following is an example to explain the input of a program.
Apart from the shear rate D [s
] = f(t), the preset value can also be defined as:
• speed n [rpm] = f(t)
• torque M [‰] = f(t) and
• shear stress Tau [Pa] = f(t)
Steps are always linear, measurement points are also defined as linear; i.e. logarithmic steps
are not possible. For logarithmic measurements, you will need the Rheo 3000 software.
Preset value sub-steps in a defined step are done according to the following equation:
Preset Value = End Value - Start Value/(Number of Measuring points - 1)