Panasonic PV-D4734S User Manual

Page 70

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background image

A ACTION button................................. 8, 18

Accessories............................................ 4

(Add or Delete a Channel)............. 8, 19

Audio Broadcast types

(Stereo/SAP/Mono)............................ 26

Audio Mode (Playback, Recording).... 27
Auto Operation Functions.................... 31
Auto Shut-Off........................................33

B Batteries.................................................4

Built-in Head Cleaner............................. 6

C Channel (“SET UP CHANNEL”).......... 18

Channel Up/Down,

Tracking/V-Lock Button ....................4,8

Clock (“SET CLOCK”).......................... 1 8
CM/ZERO SEARCH button .............. 8, 30
Commercial Skip.................................. 30
Connections................................. 1 2 - 1 5
Copy Your Tapes (Dubbing).................35
COUNTER RESET button..................... 8, 30
Customer Services Directory............... 61

D DISPLAY button.................................... 8, 11

DST (Daylight Saving Time)............... 19

E EJECT button..........................................8, 20



(For tuning TV Channel)....................... 8, 28

F FAST FORWARD/SLOW+ button... 8, 20

H Head Cleaning ...................................... 4

I Index Search......................................... 30

Indicator (Multi Function Display)......... 11
Initial Setup (Ready to Play) ........... 16, 17
INPUT button .................................... 8, 35

L Limited Warranty............................. 60, 61

Location of Controls

(Remote, DECK).......................... 8 - 1 0

M Multi-Brand Control......................... 28, 29

Multi Function Dispiay (Front DIspiay)

ON/OFF Feature.................................. 34

O On-Screen Displays (VCR)................ 11

One Touch Recording..........................21

P PLAY button (Playback a Tape)....... 8, 20

POWER button.......................................8
PROG button (PROGRAM)................... 8, 24
Program Clear, Review, Replace.........25

Q Quality Picture ...................................... 4

R REC button (Record on a Tape)...... 8, 21

Record Tab........................................... 6
Remote Sensor...................................... 9
Remote Warning.................................. 34
Repeat Play......................................... 31
Reset All Memory Functions.................. 9
REWIND/SLOW- button......................... 8, 20

S SAP/Hi-Fi .............................................27

SEARCH button...................................... 8, 30
Spanish Quick Use Guide............ 62 - 69
Specifications......................................... 7
SPEED button....................................... 8, 21
Still (Freeze) Picture.............................20
STILL/PAUSE button (Still Picture) .. 8, 20
STOP button.......................................... 8, 20

T Tape Position, Tape Status..................31

Tape Select..........................................31
Timer Recording...................................24
Trouble Shooting...................................58, 59
TV mode button...................................... 8, 28

V VCR Lock............................................. 32

VCR mode button....................................8, 28
VCR/TV button........................................8, 21
VCR/TV Selection Feature................... 32


button (TV Volume).... 8, 28

WWarning and Instruction Displays.........57

Weak Signal Display............................ 33


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