4 config--units, 5 config--power, Config--units config--power – Dillon EDXtreme (Red) User Manual

Page 40: Not weight. see config--units

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EDXtreme User Instructions


5.1.4 Config--Units

The next soft key is Units. Use this item to set the units of measure you want available
when you use the Units key in the normal operating mode. This can also assign custom

Custom units are typically used for any of three purposes:


To display a unit of measure not found in the standard options, such as ton,
tonne, dyne, or KIP.


To apply a multiplier when multipart line systems or other static line
arrangements are used. For example, if a 4-part line is used, the dynamometer
at the dead end can display approximate total weight by using a multiplier of 4.

It is critical that the operator understands the relationship between the
dynamometer and custom unit. For example, assume a custom unit of kg is
entered where 1 kg = 5 kgf (as seen at the dynamometer). The operator could
become confused, think that a 1000 kg display means that there is still 4000 kg
of capacity remaining.


To compensate for local gravitational differences. There are variances in
gravity throughout the world. If used as a scale, variances due to gravitational
differences can be handled by having the instrument calibrated on-site with
certified dead weights or by using the custom units. Simply divide the
gravitational constant at your location by 9.80665 m/ss (or 32.1741 ft/s2) and
use this as the multiplier entry. A less accurate alternative: If the constant is
not known, lift a weight of known mass close to the capacity of the instrument.
In enhanced resolution mode, observe the reading. Divide the actual by the
observed reading and use this as the multiplier entry.

5.1.5 Config--Power

The next soft key is the Power key. Use this to set power management features.


Press the Power key.

The following is displayed:


Select a Peak Capture Rate using the Sel key to scroll through the choices.
Choices are 100Hz - Normal (default), 1kHz - High Speed, and 10Hz - Battery
Saver. Press Enter to accept the displayed setting.

Be aware that 1kHz - High Speed mode will consume more battery power.


Peak Capture Rate:

(*100Hz - Normal)



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