Installing the unit outdoors – Wine Guardian Wine Cellar Cooling Systems 50Hz (WG 175) User Manual

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Each of the inlets and one evaporator outlet and one condenser outlet come from the factory
with grilles over the openings. The grilles are removable. Remove the necessary grilles for
installing ductwork between the unit and the cellar. If desired, use the grilles as wall grilles
inside the cellar. The return air, or inlet, to the unit must connect to the return air outlet from the
cellar. Any of the three supply air outlets on the unit can be used for the ductwork to the supply
grille inside the cellar. The factory installed outlet grille can be relocated to any of the other two
openings. The procedures below apply to both the evaporator and the condenser sections. In
most cases, no ducts are installed on the condenser section because the unit is located in a
mechanical or storage type space. If exhaust heat is undesirable use the grilles to install
ductwork to move the heat outdoors or to another space. Also, use ductwork to direct condenser
air noise away from occupants.

Reducing Noise from the Unit

Consider noise when locating the unit close to the cellar or an adjacent occupied space. A piece
of 25 or 50mm dense rubber or Styrofoam with foil face in between the unit and the wall
absorbs and reduces the noise from the unit. For air noise use better grilles or block the noise
with a solid piece of wood or Styrofoam. Sound usually travels as a line of sight. Sound is
reduced when it turns a corner, such as, passing through a bend in ductwork. If the unit is
supported from a wall or joist, using a rubber pad under the unit will reduce vibration

Installing the Unit Outdoors

The Wine Guardian is NOT designed nor approved for direct outdoor installation. If it is located
outdoors, it MUST be protected with a rain-proofed enclosure.

Mount it above the ground on a solid, waterproof base to protect the unit from

ground water.

Do not locate it where grass clippings or leaves can blow into the unit.

Keep the area around the unit clean and free of debris.

Protect from damage when the unit is located in a garage or unheated shed. In both

cases, the unit MUST have the low ambient controls built into the unit.

Double insulating ducts with exterior grade insulation is recommended to keep the ducts

dry and effective. Wine Guardian suggests installing one sized flexible duct inside the
next larger size duct where ductwork is exposed.

Allow enough space at both ends of the unit to remove the grilles or ductwork and

allow access to the filters.