Welch Allyn Connex ProBP 3400 Digital Blood Pressure Device - Quick Reference Guide User Manual

Page 6

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Error condition

Definition / Description

Required action

Set date and time.

Either date or time not set at all or
data has not been set.

Set date and time.

Ambient temperature outside
operating range. Retry measurement.

Device outside operating temperature

An alarm will sound, but you may
continue to take measurements.

Maximum number of patient records
saved. Oldest record overwritten.

The maximum number of test records
are stored in memory and save is

An alarm will sound and
automatically overwrite oldest record
with new record. You can prevent
alarm from activating for subsequent
saves by deleting them patient
records from the Review tab.

Data did not transfer.

Data transfer unsuccessful with save.

Try to transfer data again.

Unable to save.

Unable to save data/readings to

Try to save data again.

Low battery plug into outlet.

The monitor’s battery voltage is too
low to support printing.

Connect the AC power adapter to
recharge the battery.

Unable to load configuration.

Unable to load non-critical
configuration item(s) from NAND

Device will use engineering and
factory defaults.

Bluetooth connection was lost.

The Bluetooth radio no longer has a
connection with the target device.

Exit the target application.
Powerdown and restart the ProBP
3400. Relaunch the target

Ensure that the ProBP 3400 is within
15 feet of the target device.

Refer to operating system or
computer hardware manuals of the
target device for further

Bluetooth radio not functional. Call
for service.

Device should not be used and sent
for repair.

Functional error. Call for service.

Unable to load critical configuration
item(s) from NAND Flash.

Device should not be used and sent
for repair.

USB communication failure. Call for

This message could be caused
because an internal or external device
connected but failed enumeration or
an overcurrent condition on internal
or external port could have occurred.

Disable the missing functionality
with warning to user. Recovery from
error may be possible with power

User cancelled NIBP reading.

Blood pressure reading was cancelled
by the user.

Click the OK button to dismiss the

Retake NIBP.

Excessive patient movement.

NIBP reading is available, yet not
precise due to movement, noise.
Dubious reading will be accompanied
by splat (*).

Click the OK button to dismiss the

Retake NIBP.

6 | OpenTopic | ProBP3400 error codes