Bibliography – Welch Allyn AM 232 Manual Audiometer - User Manual User Manual

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American National Standard Specifications for Audiometers (ANSI S3.6 - 1989)

Criteria for Permissible Ambient Noise During Audiometric Testing (ANSI S3.1 - 1977)

Methods for Manual Pure-Tone Threshold Audiometry (ANSI S3.21 - 1978)

Michael, P.L., and Bienvenue, G.R., “Noise Attenuation Characteristics of Supra-
Aural Audiometric Headsets Using the Models MX41/AR and 51 Earphone Cush-
ions,” J. Accoust. Soc. Am., 70(5), Nov. 1981, 1235-1238

Newby, H.A., Audiology (4th ed.), New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc. (1979)

U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Noise Exposure, CFR 1910.95, March 8, 1983