Tjernlund CPC-3 Constant Pressure Controller Startup Manual 8504125 User Manual

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The manual mode allows the Inducer / C.A. Blower to be temporarily operated at a fixed speed. This feature is incorporated into the
CPC-3 in the event that the TD-series Transducer becomes inoperable. Without proper transducer operation the CPC-3 controller will
go into a hard lockout after one restart attempt. Important: Fixed speed inducer/blower operation may limit the number of heaters that
can be operated, since adjusting the speed of the inducer/blower to accommodate all heaters may create excessive draft/combustion
air when fewer heaters are operating. If excessive draft/combustion air is present when a single heater is operating the number of
heaters allowed to operate must be reduced until draft/combustion air is acceptable for all operational scenarios.

1. Determine number of heaters necessary for temporary emergency operation. Shut off individual disconnect switches to all heaters

not needed.

2. Follow the heating equipment manufacturer's instructions for sampling draft. In their absence drill a draft sampling hole in the vent

riser after each draft diverter or between the flue outlet and the draft hood / barometric draft control of each appliance.

3. Turn adjustment screw on the PSA-1 fan prover counter-clockwise until it stops.

4. Unlock the CPC-3 keypad. Press the appropriate (Draft or Combustion Air) SET UP key. Press the AUTO/MANUAL key to change

the operation mode from A (Automatic) to M (Manual). This speed is factory set at 40%, but can be adjusted.


Adjusting Manual Speed: With the control in manual mode and the Inducer Setup Menu open, use the "INCREASE" key until
the MANUAL SPEED OFF is shown on the bottom line of the display. To change the speed, press the "ENTER" key. The
OFF text will be replaced by the % Speed that is set within Manual Mode.

5. Activate heaters selected for emergency operation. When the calls for heat are sensed the control will signal the VFD to run the

inducer/blower at the 40% factory default setting. Use the INCREASE and DECREASE key until acceptable draft readings are
established. The system will not respond to a change until the SAVE SETTING key is pressed.

6. While the heaters and inducer/blower continue to operate, turn the PSA-1 adjustment screw ½ turn clockwise and wait 30 seconds.

Repeat this procedure until the CPC-3 locks out the heaters. Adjust the PSA-1 adjustment screw ¼ turn counter clockwise.

7. To reset the CPC-3 press the OPTIONS key. Press the INCREASE key until “FAULT HISTORY” appears in the display. Press

ENTER and than press the INCREASE key until “CLEAR ALL FAULTS” appears in the display. Press SAVE SETTIN" key to reset
the CPC-3. Press "OPTIONS" to exit.

8. Operate heaters individually and together to verify PSA-1 fan prover setting and individual heater draft/combustion air levels.


Disconnect the power supply when making wiring connections or when working around the fan impeller and motor. Failure to do so
can result in electrical shock, personal injury, death or property damage.

The Tjernlund Auto-Draft® Inducer / C.A. Blower is designed for continuous use. The motor is equipped with permanently lubricated
sealed ball bearings, which do not require oiling.

A vent pipe inspection must be performed annually. The inspection should include checking all vent pipe and connections for block-
age and leaks. A safety interlock test must also be performed.

For Induced Draft gas applications no regular maintenance is required. For Induced Draft oil applications inspect impeller after (3)
months and set up a periodic inspection and cleaning routine as necessary.

For VSUB-Series Combustion Air Blowers inspect installer supplied prefilters, intake hood screen and blower wheel every 3-6 months
to remove foreign material such as leaves, lint or other debris.


1. If you have any questions about your Auto-Draft® Inducer / C.A. Blower or if it requires adjustment, repair or routine maintenance,

we suggest that you initially contact your installer, contractor or service agency.

2. If you require technical information contact Tjernlund Products, Inc. at 1-800-255-4208 or visit

When contacting Tjernlund Products, Inc., please have the following information available:
1. Model and Lot # of the Auto-Draft® Inducer / C.A. Blower
2. Name and address of installer and service agency
3. Date of original installation and dates any service work was performed
4. Details of the problem