Tjernlund CPC-3 Constant Pressure Controller Startup Manual 8504125 User Manual
Page 12

The Factory Default Settings for the CPC-3 are as follows:
Software Version:
Pressure Unit Variables:
Inches of Water Column
Pre-Purge Time Setting:
0 Minutes, 0 Seconds
Post Purge Time Units:
0 Minutes, 0 Seconds
Fault History:
No Faults
Auxiliary Device Options:
Alarm Buzzer:
Auxiliary Sensor Type:
Auxiliary Device Type:
Induced Draft Condition:
Combustion Air Condition:
Heater Set Stages:
All On
Once the settings have loaded, the initializing process is complete. The control is now ready to be set for operation.
No Settings within the CPC-3 Control can be changed until the keypad is unlocked. This safety feature keeps unauthorized personnel
from changing settings. Any key that is pressed while the Key Pad is Locked will result in a “!! KEY PAD LOCKED !!” message.
Unlocking and Locking the Keypad To unlock the keypad, press the SAVE SETTING Key for 5 seconds. When the keypad is
unlocked, the “!! KEY PAD LOCKED !!” message on the bottom line of the display will change to “….KEY PAD OPEN….” with the Key
Pad Open, settings can be adjusted. If the Inducer and Combustion Air are inactive as indicated by the first 2 lines of the display, only
the TIME / DATE, AUXILIARY DEVICE, and OPTIONS settings will be adjustable. The SET POINT, PRE-PURGE, and POST
PURGE settings are specific to the Draft Inducer and / or Combustion Blower operation and will not be available until the Inducer and
/ or Combustion Air systems have been activated, See “Activating the Draft or Combustion Air” below.
To unlock the keypad, press the SAVE SETTING Key for 5 seconds.
The keypad can be locked any time the "Keypad Open" message is displayed by pressing the ENTER key and then pressing SAVE
SETTING. The keypad stays open for 30 minutes after the last key is pressed and then automatically locks.
With the keypad unlocked, press the TIME / DATE key. NOTE: The "month" is displayed on the right side of the 3rd line of the display.
This is the time / date parameter that is ready to be adjusted. Pressing the ENTER key will toggle the adjustable time / date settings.
To change any of the month, day, year, hour, minute, and am/pm settings press the ENTER key until the parameter to adjust is shown
on the display and use the INCREASE and DECREASE keys to adjust. Press the ENTER key until the next desired parameter is dis-
played and again use the INCREASE and DECREASE keys to adjust. Once all of the time / date settings have been adjusted, press
the SAVE SETTING key to save. To exit the Time / Date screen, press the TIME / DATE key. NOTE: Any time power is removed from
the control, the time / date settings will need to be reset.
To activate the Draft or Combustion Air the keypad must be unlocked. Press the SET UP key under the appropriate side (Draft or
Combustion Air) of the CPC-3 keypad. The display text will indicate that you are in the Set Up mode. All functions and settings can be
set while the SETUP is open and the Draft or Combustion Air function is active. Pressing the SAVE SETTING key will activate the
Draft or Combustion Air portion of the CPC-3 control.
The top line of the display has been assigned to the Draft information. The second line of the display has been assigned to the
Combustion Air information. With either the Draft or Combustion Air portion active, and in “AUTOMATIC” mode reading from left to
right an (“A” will be displayed in the first column under either the 1st line Draft or 2nd line Combustion Air). The CPC-3 will self regu-
late the speed of the Inducer / C.A. Blower to equal the CPC-3 set point(s) when a call for heat is recognized.
If the AUTO / MANUAL key is pressed while setup is active, the Inducer / C.A. Blower will be in the “MANUAL” mode (“M” will be dis-
played in the first column under either the 1st line Draft or 2nd line Combustion Air). The CPC-3 will run the fan at a constant speed
that is set manually by the user. WARNING: Because Manual Mode is a method of setting a fixed speed for Draft and/or Combustion
Air, consideration must be given to over-drafting and/or excessive combustion air supply, See “Manual Mode of Operation and PSA-1
Fan Prover Switch Adjustment”, page 16.
Next piece to the right on the display is the SET POINT. This is the pressure value that is used by the CPC-3 when in the
“AUTOMATIC” mode. Further right is the ACTUAL PRESSURE. This is the vent pressure as sensed by the pressure transducer. The
last information on the display is the % SPEED that the Inducer / C.A. Blower is operating at. To deactivate the Inducer / C.A. Blower
press the SAVE SETTING key again. NOTE: All settings made while in setup and saved will be defaulted when the Inducer / C.A.
Blower is made active.
Press the SET UP key under the Draft or the Combustion Air side of the CPC-3 keypad.
Press the SAVE SETTING key to activate the Draft or the Combustion air portion of the CPC-3 control.