Tjernlund CPC-3 Constant Pressure Controller Startup Manual 8504125 User Manual

Page 16

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The CPC-3 Auxiliary Devices include an Audible Alarm Buzzer (on the board), an Auxiliary Sensor Circuit (Blue terminal S1 and S2)
and Auxiliary Device Relay (Green terminal C and O). Due to the different ways a relay and a sensor can be used, auxiliary device
options have been created with specific applications in mind. To set any of the auxiliary devices, the Key Pad must first be unlocked.
With the key pad unlocked, press the AUXILIARY DEVICE key. Use the INCREASE and DECREASE to scroll through the available
options. Once at the desired option, press the ENTER key to enter the desired option. Using the INCREASE and DECREASE keys
will scroll through the available menu in each option. Press the SAVE SETTING key to change any option. To exit the Auxiliary Device
Menu, press the AUXILIARY DEVICE key. Each programmable option is described in detail below.

Pressing the SAVE SETTING key will change whether this option is "On" or "Off". If the alarm buzzer is "On", the board-mounted
buzzer will sound anytime the CPC-3 control detects a System Fault. NOTE: The on-board Alarm relay will change state during a
System Fault regardless of the condition of the alarm buzzer. The factory default setting for the alarm buzzer is “Off”.

There are 3 programmable conditions for the Auxiliary Sensor. To view these 3 options, press the ENTER key to enter the Aux
Sensor menu. Once the Enter Key is pressed, the bottom line becomes active and will display the current setting. To change this
option, use the INCREASE and DECREASE keys to scroll through the available options. When the desired option is visible, press the
SAVE SETTING key to save the option. The available Sensor options are listed below.

NONE: With "None" selected, the Auxiliary sensor is turned off and is not used by the CPC-3 control. This is the factory default setting
for the Auxiliary Sensor.

This sensor option is to be used with a switch that is sensed closed after a call for heat is established to the CPC-3 control. Once a
call for heat is recognized, the sensor circuit is given 90 seconds to close. This option is often used with Motorized Combustion Air
Louvers that include an end switch. The end switch is wired to the AUX. CONTROL, S1 and S2 terminals. The CPC-3 control sends
out a signal on S1 and reads the signal back on S2. If the signal is not available within 75 seconds, a fault will occur. If a Sensor Fault
occurs, all heating heaters will be shut off and the control will go into a fault state. See “Viewing and Resetting Fault History” page 16.

The CO Detector sensor option is designed to be used with normally closed contacts of a CO Detector. When this option is activated,
it immediately starts to operate and the Aux Control S1 to S2 circuit needs to be closed within 20 seconds or a "Sensor Fault" will be
issued. This option is operational at all times and does not need to have a call for heat to be active.

This is the Relay portion of the auxiliary options and is used to set up the relay’s operational characteristics. To view the Aux Device
menu, press the ENTER key. Once the menu is active, the bottom line of the display will be viewable and the current setting will be
stated. To view additional options, use the INCREASE and DECREASE keys. To save a menu option, press the SAVE SETTING key
while the option is visible. To exit from the Device menu press the ENTER key. To exit from the Auxiliary options, press the AUXIL-
IARY DEVICE key. A list of the Aux Device options and how they work is listed below.

NONE: With "None" selected, the Auxiliary Device is turned off and is not used by the CPC-3 control. This is the factory default set-

ting for the Auxiliary Device.

This device option was developed with external loads in mind. A maximum of 1 HP can be routed through the Aux Control C and O
terminals. These contacts are typically used to drive a motorized louver motor. If this option is selected, when a call for heat is recog-
nized by the CPC-3 control, this relay will close and will remain closed until the call for heat is removed and post purge is timed out.


The CPC-3 contains several user Options. These Options include the capability of resetting the VFD's, Changing the Pressure Units,
Reviewing the Fault History and Fault Clearing Capabilities, and Interrupting Individual Heater calls or Setting Stages. To enter into
these available options, the Key Pad must first be unlocked. Press the OPTIONS key and the options menu will be viewable. To scroll
through the list of available options, use the INCREASE and DECREASE keys. To enter into a specific option, use the ENTER key.
Pressing the SAVE SETTING key will save or activate the option that is displayed. To exit out of the options menu, simply press the
OPTIONS key again. The following discusses each available option in greater detail.

In rare instances, a VFD may fault due to supply power fluctuations, brown outs, power losses, etc. If a drive is faulted, the Green
VFD STATUS OK LED on the CPC-3 Key Pad will be off. To Reset the VFD(s), simply press the SAVE SETTING key while the
“RESET DRIVES” option is displayed.

The CPC-3 has been developed to operate with Inches of Water Column or Pascal pressure units. The factory default is Inches of
Water Column. If Pascal pressure units is desired, simply press the SAVE SETTING key while in the "SET at In WC" option and the
pressure units will change to "SET at PASCALS”.