0 load cell mount installation, 1 install baseplate and load cell, Load cell mount installation – Rice Lake SURVIVOR OTR Steel Deck User Manual
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OTR Truck Scale Assembly Instructions
Load Cell Mount Installation
Load cell mount components (baseplate, mount blocks, anchor bolts, link, load cell, flexcable, and upper mount
blocks) are shipped in the hardware box and need to be assembled while in the load cell pocket. Remove the
printed load cell Certificate of Conformance (CC) forms (included with load cells) and store them in a safe place
for future reference.
The following sections contain step-by-step instructions on mount installation, including the baseplate, load cells,
upper mount blocks (shim and grout), ground straps, and anchor bolts.
Install Baseplate and Load Cell
Use the following steps for installing the mount baseplate and load cell in the load cell mount pockets:
1. Remove load cell mount components from the packing box and position one set at each mount location.
Figure 4-1. Baseplate
2. Working with the baseplate first, lower baseplate through pocket opening and onto concrete foundation.
3. Remove cover plate from 90° fitting included with conduit assembly and insert load cell cable through
fitting sticking through area where plate was (see Figure 4-2).
Figure 4-2. Inserting Load Cell Cable Through 90
4. Thread 90° fitting to the load cell, making sure the cable does not twist. Insert cable through second half of
fitting and conduit, then re-install cover plate to 90° fitting. This method prevents connections from being
twisted off inside the load cell.