6260cs crane scale – Rice Lake MSI6260cs Digital Crane Scale Operator Manual User Manual

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Page 16 MSI-6260CS Crane Scale™

User Guide

6260CS Crane Scale




• µC Board: 6 layer SMD, AM186ESLV based w/ Flash Memory – 512kbytes of Flash Program Memory,

512kbytes of non-volatile RAM.

• Power Supply / I/O Board: power regulation and I/O for MM – Input range 10-16V. Optional direct AC

board 90-260VAC.

• 2 Channel A/D Board: 4 layer SMD, 24bit A/D.
• Highly integrated Radio Modem: 2.4GHz Spread Spectrum. Protected Antenna.
• Display Board: 4 Layer SMD with six 1.2” (30mm) digits and 14 backlit annunciators.

• Cast Aluminum. Double O-ring gasketed. NEMA 4, IP66

Load Train
• Load Cell: 4340 Aircraft Quality Steel
• Industry Standard Lifting Eyes and Bottom Hooks


Channels 1-4 – Scale Input Channels
• Internal Load Cell connected to Channel 1. Optional additional scale inputs by special order for multipoint

lift situations.

Channel 5

Channel 5 allows remote access to inputs on remote Slave CellScales

Channel 6

Channel 6 is math calculations. Up to 8 separate math channels can be used to combine conversions from

multiple scale channels. Supported functions are: multiply, divide, add, subtract, absolute value, square

root, and constants. Multiple levels of parentheses are available for any scaling or channel data manipula-

tion formulas.


5 V (+5V relative to ground). Current limited and over-voltage protected to Factory Mutual standards. AC

(switched DC) or DC excitation.

Radio Link

Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum in 64 channels @ 2.4 GHz. Allows 64 collocated networks of scales

and peripheral devices.


Via RF or Input Comm Port. Calibration is accomplished through a computer program residing on any

computer. The calibration program is user friendly, with menus that are easy to use on a full graphics

screen. Calibration is also available using the 3750CS, 9850 or 9750A Meters. Sealing the system is not

necessary due to password protected calibration routines. Seal can be provided on front panel in Legal-

For-Trade systems.