Rice Lake Ishida AstraLink User Manual

Page 29

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Press the ENTER key once to display "Send Data", again to display "All Data", then a
third time to start sending data.

Alternatively, when "All Data" is displayed, press the down arrow to select the type of
data to send, then press ENTER to start sending data.

If the data transfer is successful, the scale will display briefly "Sending", then "Data
Sent OK", then "All Data".

If communications fails, see "Troubleshooting" in Chapter 2 Getting Started.


Go back to the PC. If the data transfer is successful, the following dialog appears
asking you what to do with the received data.

The right side of the dialog contains a summary of the received data.


1. In addition to the data you can edit in AstraLink (PLUs, etc.), the scale also sends label

format and configuration data. If you save the received data in a database, this information
is also saved. This means that the AstraLink database provides a full backup for the scale.
However, care is required as, if you make any changes to the scale configuration at the
scale itself, these will be overwritten the next time you send data to the scale.

2. In the USA and Mexico Astra models, the configuration data includes the label format setup

data and label format number. When sending data from the scales, these are not included
in the “ALL DATA” menu command. Instead send this data separately using the “LABEL
DATA” and LABEL DATA 2” commands in the Astra menu.

The left side of the dialog provides you with a options for what to do with the received data.

Do not load received data
This simply discards the data without saving.

Load into new database
This creates a new database. You will be prompted to specify the file name.

Load into current database (default)
In this case, you need to specify what to do if the same PLU or message number, etc. is present
in both the current database and the received scale data. The default is to update the database
with the data from the scale.

Note: Some data is used in AstraLink only and is not sent to the scales. Accordingly, when

you receive data back from the scale, the received data does not include this internal
information. AstraLink fills in this missing information by setting default values. In other
words, if you send data to the scale then read it back, this information will be lost.
This includes label width information and the "Name" for extra messages.