Rice Lake Ishida AstraLink User Manual
Page 14

Adding a New PLU
Click the Add button in the PLU Search window. This opens a dialog for you to enter then PLU
number. The number defaults to the next unused PLU number. If you wish to use a different
number, enter an unused number, then press Return or click OK to open the PLU Edit dialog.
If you entered the number of an existing PLU, the data for that PLU is displayed. Otherwise, a
new PLU is created and the initial values of the fields in the lower half of the dialog are set to
their default values.
The cursor is initially positioned in the PLU description field. Enter the PLU description. Next,
use the mouse or TAB key to move the cursor to the price field and enter the PLU price.
Similarly, enter any other values you wish to change
Finally, click the OK button. This saves the PLU in the database and returns you to the PLU
Search window. Use the procedure described in Finding a PLU above to check that the PLU
has been added.
Editing and Deleting PLUs
When you have found the new PLU, click on the PLU name in the list to select it. The selected
PLU appears highlighted.
To edit the selected PLU
Click the Edit button. A PLU Edit dialog opens displaying the data for that PLU.
The operation of the PLU Edit dialog is described in more detail below. For now, click the
Cancel button at the top right of the window. This returns you to the PLU Search window.
To delete the selected PLU
Click the Delete button. A dialog opens asking whether or not to delete the PLU. Click No if you
don’t want to delete the PLU. If you click Yes, the PLU is deleted from the database.