Rice Lake Ishida AstraLink User Manual

Page 12

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Starting AstraLink (second and subsequent times)

When you start AstraLink, the program automatically loads the database that was open when
you last exited.

The figure below shows the initial screen (called the PLU Search window).

The initial screen opens with the cursor in the PLU No. field of the PLU Search window. The
PLU Search window provides a number of methods for you to find the PLU you are looking for
and to edit or delete the selected PLU. You can also add new PLUs from this window.

Click here to list all PLUs.

Use the

↑, ↓, PgUp and PgDn

keys to scroll the PLU list

Click here to enter a search string.
The list only displays PLUs that
match the search string.

Tab bar. Click here to
change the displayed

Add a new PLU

Open PLU price
change dialog

PLU list. Double
click on a PLU to

Delete currently
selected PLU

Open PLU Edit
window to edit
currently selected