3 analogic data format, 4 cardinal data format, 2 serial data input – Rice Lake EL232 XPCD Explosion Proof Remote Serial Display User Manual
Page 18: 1 rs232 c, Analogic data format, Cardinal data format, Rs232 c, See figure 3-3

EL232 XCPD Installation Manual
Analogic Data Format
Figure 3-3 shows the Analogic continuous output data format.
Figure 3-3. Analogic Continuous Output Data Format
Cardinal Data Format
Figure 3-4 shows the Cardinal continuous output data format.
Figure 3-4. Cardinal Continuous Output Data Format
Serial Data Input
Some weight indicators have multiple outputs. Some can have two or more RS232 outputs or current loop
outputs which can be active or passive. The preferred interface is an active current loop output from the weight
indicator. A passive current loop is second in preference, and RS232 being the least desirable. The transmitted
data must be continuous and demand ports are unusable. Information is explained in further detail in the
following sections.
RS232 C
Data is transmitted as a voltage and alternates between +10 VDC and -11 VDC. Hybrid RS232 signals can swing
between other voltage ranges as long as the positive swing is greater than 4 VDC and the negative is less than - 1
VDC. RS232 is ground referenced and therefore, connects the ground planes of the sending and receiving
instruments. RS232 should never be run more than 50 feet. It may work, but it may not work well or all the time.
Long RS232 data cables can act as a conduit for lightening or other electrical noise to the instrument. If you need
longer cable runs, use a 20 mA current loop.
STX (02h)
Net Weight: 9 characters, 7
active weight digits, no leading
zeroes, decimal point, negative
sign precedes first active digit.
Tare Weight: 9 characters, 7
active weight digits, no leading
zeroes, decimal point, negative
sign precedes first active digit.
Status is the sum of:
1 = In range
2 = Standstill
4 = Center of Zero
8 = Net mode
For example:
In range = 1
Standstill = 2
Net Mode = 8
= B (hex)
0 = kilogram
1 = gram
2 = pound
3 = ton (short/metric)
4 = ounce
5 = none
6 = grain
< – > = Negative
Seven digits of weight data, including
decimal point. No leading zero
G = gram
K = kilogram
L = pound
T = ton (short)
grain, ounce or none
G for Gross
N for Net
M = motion
O = out of range
of the above
ETX (03h)
Space character (2)