Customizing print format (optional) – Rice Lake DWM-IV Weighmeter Series 9 Setup Manual User Manual
Page 24

Customizing Print Format (Optional)
Ø Press [G/N] key and [Select/Enter] key together, Audit Trail will be displayed
when released the dis play will show [P 0] and the 7
LED will fla sh, which
means you need to enter the nu meric value password to access the
setup mode.
Ø Key in the password [2] [0] [0] [1] and press [Enter], the display will show [C1 ]
Ø Press [Shift] then [0], [PRT FMT] will be displayed, then [P1 CUST] will be
Here you can use the [PRINT] key or [G/N] key to browse the following three menus,
(1) [P1 CUST]
Ø For Custom Print Formatting.
(2) [P2 CONT]
Ø For Custom Formatting for Continuous Output.
(3) [FMT END]
Ø to end the Custom Formatting and return to normal weighing mode.
select the menu by pressing the Enter key and continue the setting.
Ø The numeric characters (0, 1, … , 9), all alphabets (A, B, … , Z) and some other
characters are already assigned to the Group -B keys (Ref: Key Explanation page as
describe earlier) so these characte rs can be keyed in directly from Group -B keys.
(Example: for “1”
Ø press [1] key,
for “A”
Ø press [Shift] then press [2] key,
for “B”
Ø press [Shift] then press [2] and press [Shift] key.
To confirm character entry, press [Enter] key after selecting the input
q There will be a blinking LED just below one of the 7 -segment display digits
which shows the active digit position or character insertion position.
Ø The characters or text to be printed out should be place d inside the double
quotation marks.
(e.g. “FlexWeigh” will print out as FlexWeigh )
Ø For Control characters or some other characters which cannot be used by the
front panel keys are to be keyed in by using the fol lowing format:
“\xxx” (where: xxx is the ASCII code or extended ASCII code (0~255) in
decimal value of the character code to be printed)
Ø Following Command Codes are provided :
(1) “\R” = Carriage Return
(2) “\N” = Line Feed
(3) “\E” = End of li ne (CR+LF) (e.g. “\E” = “\R\N” will be printed)
(4) “\Lx” = “x” Line Feeds
(e.g. “\L3” = “\N\N\N” = 3 Line Feeds will be printed)
(5) “\Sx” = “x” Spaces
(e.g. “\S4” = 4 spaces will be printed)
(6) “\CX.Y” = Repeat printing a character X for a total of Y characters, X can be
“\xxx” form (e.g. “\C=.16” = Prints “=” for 16 characters or “ \C\42.16 = Prints “*”
for 16 characters)
Ø Weight Format Command (WX.Y)
X = Weight Type (0 = Net, 1 = Gross, 2 = Tare)
Y = Field Widt h (Includes “.” if any)
Ø Weight Unit Command (U)
Appends the current unit of measurement to the printed weight and optional tare
entry flag
(1) “^kg^^^”
For Pushbutton Tare, Gross or Net Weight. (kg = current unit, ^
= space)
(2) “^kg(K)”
For Keyboard Tare or Recall Tare W eight.