Rice Lake CW-90X Over/Under/Washdown Checkweigher - Ethernet User Manual

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Ethernet TCP/IP Card Installation Manual

Figure 4-7. Comm Port Properties screen

The WLAN configuration port uses the following settings:

Baud Rate: 9600

8 Bits

No parity

1 Stop Bit

No Flow Control

5. Make the changes and click OK to save the changes.

6. Reset the WLAN option card by pressing the manual reset button shown in Figure 4-8, and immediately

upon release, enter three lowercase x characters (xxx) at the same time.

Figure 4-8. Manual Reset Button location on WLAN option card

The easiest way to connect is to hold down the x key on the PC’s keyboard until the manual reset button
is released and the PC screen displays the MAC address and software version as shown in Figure 9. This
must be done within three seconds of resetting the WLAN option.

Manual Reset Button
