4 irev calibration – Rice Lake 920i Installation Manual V3.07 User Manual

Page 58

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Installation Manual

Once the indicator is connected to the sending device,
do the following:

1. Place the indicator in setup mode (display



) and remove all weight from the

scale platform. If your test weights require
hooks or chains, place the hooks or chains on
the scale for zero calibration.

2. Send the SC.WZERO#n serial command

(where n is the number of the scale) to
calibrate zero.

3. Place test weights on the scale and use the

SC.WVAL command to enter the test weight
value in the following format:


4. Send the SC.WSPAN#n serial command to

calibrate span.

5. Up to five linearization points can be calibrated

between the zero and span calibration values.
Use the following commands to set and
calibrate a single linearization point:


The SC.WLIN#n.V1 command sets the test
weight value (vvvvv) for linearization point 1.
The SC.WLIN#n.C1 command calibrates the
point. Repeat using the SC.WLIN#n.Vx and
SC.WLIN#n.Cx commands as required for
additional linearization points.

6. To remove an offset value, clear all weight

from the scale, including hooks or chains used
t o h a n g t e s t w e i g h t s , t h e n s e n d t h e
SC.REZERO#n serial command.

7. Send the KSAVEEXIT serial command to

save the calibration changes and exit setup


iRev Calibration



Calibration Wizard provides step-by-step

scale calibration. With the


connected to the PC,

select the Calibration Wizard from the Tools menu on


Scales display, then follow the steps listed

below to calibrate the scale. See Section 5.0 on
page 54 for
a general overview of the



1. On the first Calibration Wizard display (see

F i g u r e 4 - 3 ) , s e l e c t w h e t h e r y o u a r e
performing a stand ard (zero and span)
calibration or a multi-point linear calibration.
Click the


button to continue.

Figure 4-3.

iRev Calibration Wizard

2. Next (see Figure 4-4), select the scale you

wish to calibrate.

Figure 4-4.

iRev Scale Selection Display

3. Enter the test weight used to calibrate the

scale (see Figure 4-5). If chains or hooks are
used to hold the weights, check the box below
the test weight value entry. This adds a rezero
step to the calibration sequence.

Figure 4-5.

iRev Test Weight Value Display