6 symbol widgets, Symbol widgets – Rice Lake 920i Installation Manual V3.07 User Manual

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Installation Manual


If data_source = 1, data_subfield can be:

1 (gross, primary units)
2 (gross, secondary units)
3 (gross, tertiary units)
4 (net, primary units)
5 (net, secondary units)
6 (net, tertiary units)
7 (displayed value)
8 (rate of change value);

If data_source = 3, data_subfield can be:

1 (setpoint value)
2 (preact value)
3 (tolerance band value)

visible = 1 (on) or 2 (off)
screen_number = 1–10


WDGT#2=5,60,60,120, 2,1,1,Numeric1,1,1,7,1,2

creates a visible, 120-pixel wide, numeric widget for
screen 2, named Numeric1, with the upper left-hand
corner of the label at pixel location 60,60. The label is
left-justified (1), with text in a 9-pt font (1). The
widget shows the displayed weight (data_subfield = 7)
from scale channel 1 (data_source = 1, data field = 1).


Symbol Widgets

Symbol widgets provide icons to indicate a variety of
alarms, conditions, or device states.

WDGT#n=6, left, top, symbol_style, name/alias,

data_source, data_field, data_subfield, visible,


n=widget number
6= symbol widget type
left = left edge location, in pixels
top = top edge location, in pixels
symbol_style = 1–41 (see Table 9-19 on page 99)
name/alias = text name or alias
data_source = 1 (scale), 2 (program), 3 (setpoint), 4

(digital I/O point)


If data_source = 1, data_field is the scale channel


If data_source = 3, data_field is the setpoint number,

1–100, or 0 (current setpoint)

If data_source = 4, data_field is 0 (onboard I/O, bits

1–4) or the I/O expansion card number, 1–14


If data_source = 1, data_subfield can be:

1 (tare)
2 (motion)
3 (center of zero)
4 (overload)
5 (underload)

If data_source = 3, data_subfield can be:

1 (setpoint state)
2 (tolerance check)

If data_source = 4, data_subfield specifies the bit

number of the onboard or expansion card digital I/O
channel: 1–4 (for onboard I/O, data_field=0) or 1–24
(for expansion card I/O)

visible = 1 (on) or 2 (off)
screen_number = 1–10


WDGT#2=6,120,120,6,Alarm, 4,12,1,1,2

creates a visible symbol widget for screen 2, named
Alarm, using the bell symbol (symbol widget number
6 in Table 9-19 on page 99), with the upper left-hand
corner of the label at pixel location 120,120. The
symbol toggles on or off depending on the state of bit
1 on digital I/O expansion card 12.


For symbol widgets associated with setpoint

digital outputs, the widget is set to state 1 (see
Table 9-19) when the setpoint is tripped, but the state
of the digital output depends on the type of setpoint.

Batch setpoints: When tripped, the associated digital

output is set inactive (widget set to state 1)

Continuous setpoints: When tripped, the associated

digital output is set active (widget set to state 1)