Technical data:fuel requirements, Fuel requirements, See “fuel requirements – Mercedes-Benz M-Class 2007 Owners Manual User Manual

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Technical data

Fuels, coolants, lubricants

In areas where carbon deposits may be
encountered due to lack of availability of
gasolines which contain these additives,
Mercedes-Benz recommends the use of
additives approved by us for use on
Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Refer to Factory
Approved Service Products pamphlet for a
listing of approved product(s). Follow
directions on product label.

Do not blend other fuel additives with fuel.
This only results in unnecessary costs and
may be harmful to the engine operation.

Damage or malfunction resulting from
poor fuel quality or from blending addition-
al fuel additives other than those tested
and approved by us for use on
Mercedes-Benz vehicles listed in the
Factory Approved Service Products
pamphlet are not covered by the
Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

Fuel requirements

Gasoline engine

Only use premium unleaded fuel.


The octane number (posted at the
pump) must be 91 min. It is an average
of both the Research (R) octane num-
ber and the Motor (M) octane number:
(R+M)/2). This is also known as the

Unleaded gasoline containing oxygenates
such as ethanol, IPA, IBA and TBA can be
used provided the ratio of any one of these
oxygenates to gasoline does not
exceed 10%; MTBE must not exceed 15%.

The ratio of methanol to gasoline must not
exceed 3% plus additional cosolvents.

Using mixtures of ethanol and methanol is
not allowed. Gasohol, which contains
10% ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline,
can be used.

These blends must also meet all other fuel
requirements, such as resistance to spark
knock, boiling range, vapor pressure, etc.

Diesel engine

Only use commercially available vehicular
diesel fuels No. 2 or No. 1 (ASTM D975 No.
2-D or No. 1-D).

To prevent malfunctions, diesel fuel with
improved cold flow characteristics is of-
fered in the winter months. Check with
your fuel retailer.


Do not fill the tank with gasoline. Do not

blend diesel fuel with gasoline or kerosine. The
fuel system and engine will otherwise be dam-
aged, which is not covered by the
Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.