3 cavium linux bsp, 1 rebuilding the cavium linux bsp, Cavium linux bsp – Kontron AM4210 User Manual

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Cavium Linux BSP

Rebuilding the Cavium Linux BSP

Cavium Networks provides a SDK that includes Linux kernel and root file system along with the necessary
toolchain, library and extensions for the Octeon CPUs. Kontron has added some patches for the SDK to
support the AM4210 AMC module properly. These patches are supplied with each software release and
areavailable for different versions of the SDK. Thus, the user can add his own extensions and rebuild the
Cavium Networks Linux for the AM4210 easily.

Prerequisites: Either the CNUSERS SDK or the Cavium Networks SDK from Cavium Networks must be installed.
The CNUSERS SDK allows rebuild of kernel and root file system, the Cavium Networks SDK has additional
support for simple executive application development.

The patches supplied in uniformed diff format. A “series” file specifies the names and order of the patch set.
The optional tool ‘quilt’ may be used to apply the patches. Thus it is recommended to install ‘quilt’ on the
build host. For additional information about quilt, see


Installation of the patches described below can be done with quilt with one single command.

However it is also possible to apply the patches one after another using the ‘patch’ tool. In addition the
‘fakeroot’ RPM must be installed. This is necessary to build the target root filesystem with proper root

Rebuilding the Cavium Linux BSP for the AM4210 can be done with the following procedure:

• Install the SDK delivered from Cavium Networks


rpm --prefix /usr/local/cavium/ -iv OCTEON-SDK-1.8.1-294.i386.rpm

• Install the Linux package delivered from Cavium Networks


rpm --prefix /usr/local/cavium/sdk-1.8.1 -iv OCTEON-LINUX-1.8.1.i386.rpm

• Make a local copy of the SDK on your home directory


cp -rp /usr/local/cavium/sdk-1.8.1/OCTEON-SDK /home/

• Unpack the patches provided by Kontron into your home directory


tar xzf am42xx-patches-OCTEON-SDK-1.8.1-GA-2.05.tar.gz -C OCTEON-SDK

• Apply the patches to your local copy of the Cavium Networks SDK




quilt push -a


In case the CNUSERS SDK is used, the user has to delete the ‘examples-passthrough’ entry from the
series file after unpacking the patches. Otherwise, applying the patches will break because the
examples directory will not be found.