2 rtm serial connection, Rtm serial connection – Kontron AM4210 User Manual
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RTM serial connection
The serial console of the AM4210 can be accessed via RTM. The RTM to be used depends on the carrier board.
Refer to the corresponding Kontron front board documentation to find information on the appropriate RTM.
As an example, the procedure for connecting to an AM4204 used in AMC slot B1 of an AT8404 via the
RTM8030 is described in the following.
1 Connect to the RTM serial port as described in the RTM8030 manual (using a RJ45 straight cable).
Port settings are:
• 115200 bps
• 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1)
• no flow control
2 Enable serial connection of the AT8404 for usage with an RTM8030.
Access the AT8404 carrier shell (type “CTRL-v” from the CLI prompt and then “!”, enter root password
“root” (default) and use the command “serialcfg” to route the RTM‘s serial port to the AMC slot which
hosts the AM4210.
(AT8404 Ethernet Fabric) #
Disconnected from Base Fabric console
b - connect Base Fabric console
c - connect Custom Application console
! - shell escape
r - reset system
Starting shell
Give root password for system maintenance
(or type Control-D for normal startup):
System Maintenance Mode
BusyBox v1.4.1 (2009-07-23 18:10:23 CEST) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
# serialcfg
usage: serialcfg fru1/fru2/fru3/fru4
Enable T5516 serial line for FRU1-4, i.e. AMCB1-B4
usage: serialcfg FILENAME
Enable serial line with portstate config file FILENAME
# serialcfg fru1
Serial AMCB1 to RTM rotary switch channel 4
Enabling ports for FRU 1
3 Set the RTM’s rotary switch as indicated by the serialcfg tool output (in this example switch channel 4).
4 Close AM4210 handle or power up.
5 Wait for boot process to complete. Login is not required by default: