Habey PRO-6820 User Manual
Page 46

Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch
The Adjacent Cache-Line Prefetch mechanism, like automatic hardware
prefetch, operates without programmer intervention. When enabled
through the BIOS, two 64-byte cache lines are fetched into a 128-byte
sector, regardless of whether the additional cache line has been request-
ed or not. In applications with relatively poor spatial locality, the cache
miss ratio is higher. Enable or disable this function.
TCC Activation offset
Thermal Control Circuit: Thermal monitor uses the TCC to reduce the die
temperature by using clock modulation and/or operating frequency and
input voltage adjustment when the die temperature is very near its oper-
ating limits.
Primary Plane Current Value
The default value is [0]. Primary Plane Current Limit Use this item to con-
figure the maximum instantaneous current allowed for the primary plane.
Secondary Plane Current Value
The default value is [0]. Secondary Plane Current Limit Use this item to
configure the maximum instantaneous current allowed for the secondary