Elecraft P3 Programmer's Reference User Manual

Page 4

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#PS (Power Status, GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: #PSn; where n = 1 indicates the P3 is on. #PS0 turns the P3 off, but this removes
power so #PS1 cannot be used to turn it on. Note that if the power-on jumper on the rear-panel I/O board
is in the "always on" position, then the #PS0 command has no effect.

#PT (Pass Through, SET only)

SET format: #PT; Sets the P3 to pass-through mode, that is, the panadapter operation ceases and all data
received on either RS232 port is passed through immediately to the other RS232 port without delay or
modification. This command is used by P3 Utility when downloading new firmware to the K3
transceiver. Pass-through mode ends automatically 8 seconds after the last RS232 activity.

#QSY (QSY to current marker, SET only)

SET format: #QSYn; where n is 1 (QSY ) or 0 (undo QSY). "QSY" means the currently-active marker
frequency is transferred to the associated VFO on the K3. MKR A controls VFO A and MKR B controls
VFO B. "Undo QSY" means to return the VFO to the frequency it was on before the last QSY, a one-
level undo command.

#REF (Reference Level, GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: #REFsnnn; where s is +/- and nnn is the reference level in dBm, between -170 and
+010 dBm. s can also be a space in lieu of +. For example, #REF-120; sets the reference level (at the
bottom of the P3 spectrum screen) to -120 dBm.

#RST (Reset the P3, SET only)

Forces a power-on reset.

#RVFnn (SVGA board's FPGA Image Revision, GET only)

RSP format: #RVFnnNN.NN; where nn is the FPGA image number from 00 to 05 and NN.NN is the
image revision, e.g. 01.23. Returns 99.99 if no FPGA image is installed.

#RVM (Main Firmware Revision, GET only)

RSP format: #RVMNN.NN; where NN.NN is the firmware revision, e.g. 01.23.

#RVS (SVGA board Firmware Revision, GET only)

RSP format: #RVSNN.NN; where NN.NN is the firmware revision, e.g. 01.23. Returns 99.99 if no
SVGA firmware is installed and 00.00 if only the SVGA boot loader is installed.

#SCL (Scale, GET/SET)

SET/RSP format: #SCLnnn; where nnn is the scale (the difference in dB between the top and bottom of
the spectrum screen), between 010 and 080 dB. Example: #SCL080; sets the scale to 80 dB.