Elecraft P3 Programmer's Reference User Manual
Elecraft p3 programmer's reference, Command set overview

Rev. A4 (See Appendix A for change history)
Command Set Overview
The P3 provides a set of remote-control commands to control the most important instrument functions
(Table 1). Details on individual commands start on page 2.
Table 1. P3 Control Commands.
Name Description Name Description Name
Product ID
Function key execute
Pass-Through mode
Averaging time
Fixed auto-adjust mode
QSY to current marker
Bitmap upload
Fixed or Tracking select #REF
Reference Level
Baud rate set
Labels on/off
Reset the P3
Baud rate set
Internal use only
SVGA FPGA revision
Center frequency
Marker A frequency
Main firmware revision
Display mode
Marker B frequency
SVGA firmware revision
Internal use only
Marker A on/off
Internal use only
Marker B on/off
Function key label
Peak mode on/off
Internal use only
Power status/control
VFO B cursor on/off
The Command Tester screen of the P3 Utility computer program is a convenient way to try individual
control commands. You can also define macros, which allow sending strings of P3 and/or K3 commands
with a single mouse click. The Capture Image screen uses the #BMP command to upload the current P3
screen to a standard bitmap graphics file. See the P3 Utility help facility for details.
When a K3 is connected to the RS232 XCVR port, both K3 and P3 commands can be sent from the same
computer program. For example, #RVM; returns the revision number of P3 firmware and RVM; returns
the revision number of main firmware in the K3. Sending those two commands is a handy way to check
the connectivity of the two RS232 ports on the P3. If you get a response to #RVM; then the PC port is
connected; if you get a response to RVM; then the XCVR port is connected as well.
Command Format
Commands sent from the computer to the P3 are considered either GETs or SETs. GET commands are
used by the computer to get information from the P3; the P3 will then provide an appropriate response
message (RSP). SET commands are sent by the computer to change the instrument's configuration or
initiate an event. Commands with an incorrect format or an out-of-range parameter are ignored. A SET
can be followed by a GET to verify the new settings.
SET commands use 2 or 3 characters, optional data fields, and a terminating semicolon (;). Examples:
Computer turns on averaging with a time constant of 5.
Computer selects spectrum+waterfall display mode.