Command reference – Elecraft P3 Programmer's Reference User Manual
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Many SET commands have a corresponding GET command, which is just the command letters with no
data, plus the semicolon. The data format of the response message from the P3 (RSP) is usually identical
to the format of the SET data. Exceptions are noted in the command descriptions.
Characters sent to the P3 can be in either upper or lower case. The P3 always responds with upper case.
Command Reference
This section describes all P3 GET, SET and RSP (response) command formats. Unless otherwise noted,
the GET format is just the 2 or 3 letters of the command followed by a semicolon. The SET and RSP data
formats are identical unless otherwise noted. All commands must be followed by a semicolon except
where noted.
= (Product identification; GET only)
RSP format: P3 (main firmware executing) or p3 (boot loader ready to download new firmware). There
is no "#" or semicolon in either the query or the response.
#AVG (Averaging Time, GET/SET)
SET/RSP format: #AVGnn; where nn is 00 (average mode off) or the averaging time constant, 02-20
(average mode on).
#BMP (Bitmap upload, GET only)
RSP format: [bmp]cc where [bmp] is 131,638 bytes of binary image data in standard .BMP file format
and cc is a two-byte checksum. Note that the response does not include the command name and has no
terminating semicolon. The checksum is the modulo-65,536 sum of all 131,638 bytes, sent least-
significant byte first.
BR and #BR (Baud Rate of the PC RS232 port, SET only)
SET format: BRn; or #BRn; where n is 0 (4800 b), 1 (9600 b), 2 (19200 b), or 3 (38400 b). The P3
Utility program automatically sets the P3 to 38400 baud for downloads, then restores the baud rate to the
user's selection (that was made using either this command or the P3's RS232 menu entry). Note that the
RS232 port that connects to the K3 always runs at 38400 baud. Any BR command that is received from a
host computer affects the baud rate of the P3 (on the RS232 port that connects to the PC), not the K3.
#CTF (Center Frequency, GET/SET)
SET/RSP format: #CTFsxxxxxxxxxxx; where s is +/- and xxxxxxxxxxx is the center frequency in Hz.
s can also be a space in lieu of +. Example: #CTF+00014060000; sets the center frequency to 14060
kHz. If the specified frequency is in a different band than the K3 is tuned to, the action is undefined. A
value of zero sets the center frequency to the main VFO frequency of the transceiver. For transceivers
other than the K3, the center frequency is interpreted relative to the frequency the transceiver is tuned to
and may be positive or negative.