B&M 30228 TRANSPAK User Manual
Page 3

valve body. If the pin doesn't drop out, rotate the sleeve
as you push it in. You may need to tap the valve body on
the bench lightly if the pin doesn't fall out.Be careful not
to damage the sealing surface of the valve body if this step
is necessary.) Remove the sleeve carefully. This may
require a little prying with a small screwdriver. Try not to
raise any burrs during removal. Next remove the 2-3 shift
valve spring. Do not install this spring and replace it with
the white spring supplied with the kit.
Note: The small tapered end goes in first. Install the 2-
3 shift control sleeve assembly as removed. Align sleeve
and install the retaining roll pin.
STEP 7. Remove the roll pin holding the boost valve
sleeve in place. Remove the sleeve carefully. Again, this
may require a little prying with a small screwdriver.
Remove the pressure regulator spring and discard it.
Replace it with the orange spring supplied with the kit.
Note: The small tapered end goes in first. Replace the
sleeve assembly and roll pin.
STEP 8. Remove the roll pin that holds the manual low
control plug in place. Remove the plug and the manual
low control spring. Discard the spring and install the
special sleeve supplied in its place. Install the plug and
pin as removed. (Note: If the sleeve is too long to allow the
plug to install properly, grind a small amount off the end
of the sleeve.)
STEP 9. 2-3 Accumulator:
Heavy Duty: No modification is necessary for this
Street: Carefully clamp the valve body in a vise
or c-clamp to compress the accumulator spring. (See
Fig. 5) Compress the piston just enough to remove the
E-clip. Remove the valve body from the vise and
remove the piston and spring. Discard the spring and
install the accumulator piston as removed. Install the
E-clip as removed. Becareful not to damage the
sealing ring during installation.
STEP 10. Scrape off any excess gasket material that
may be stuck to the casting surface. This is very
important as stray gasket material can cause leaks.
Wash valve body in solvent or gasoline to remove residue.
Becareful not to lose the roll pins that hold the sleeves in
STEP 11. Clamp the spacer support plate in a vise and
run a file across the surface tha will contact the seperator
plate. (See Fig. 6) The spacer support plate must be flat.
If your support plate is bent or excessively warped, it
should be replaced (Chevrolet Part #338905).
STEP 12. Scrape off any excess gasket material that
may be stuck to the case surface. This is very important
since stray gasket material can cause leaks.
STEP 13. Separator plate modification:
Heavy Duty: Use the 3/16" drill supplied with the kit
and drill one hole in the B&M plate as shown in Figure
7. Use your stock plate as a guide. Deburr the hole
with a file or sandpaper after drilling.
Street: No modifications to separator plate are nec-
Figure 3
Figure 2
Bolt C
Detent control valve lever
Pivot Clip
Manual valve and link
Valve body attaching bolt (18)