AVer IWH3216 Touch3216 Touch II user manual User Manual
Page 123

(4) Attention Please
Check the attentiveness of the person who is monitoring the
system. You may set the number of times the Attention dialog
box to appear in a day in Times per day text box. When this
feature is enabled, the Attention dialog box would appear. The
person who is monitoring the system must enter the same
number that appears from the left box at the right text box and then click OK.
(5) AutoScan Period
Set the TV out display time gap from 3 to 10 sec. before it switches to the next camera.
(6) Login
Enable the conditions in Login section you want the system to automatically carry out.
Auto record when login
Automatically start video recording when the DVR is executed.
Auto start Network when login
Automatically connect to network when the DVR is executed.
Login to Compact mode
Switch to compact mode directly when the DVR is executed.
Guest Mode
Automatically log in Guest mode when the DVR is executed. In guest mode, the functions are limited
to preview and playback only.
(7) Miscellaneous
Enable the conditions in Miscellaneous section you want the system to perform.
Beep if no signal
Make sound when the video signal is lost.
Mandatory Record
Always record video when software is running
Enable Overlay
To enhance video signal for better video quality.
Screen Saver
Set a period time to enter screen saver mode when system idle.
Auto Scan Period
Set the time gap of the Auto Scan function from 3 to 10 seconds. This automatically switches to the
next video in cycle depending on the set time gap.
Playback Mode
Select the mode of playback the video.
Select date and time: Select the date and time which user wants to playback.
Play the last file: Automatically playback the video from the last hour