Undoing the last edit (undo function), To cancel the undo function, Editing recorded mds – Sony MDS-JE520 User Manual

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Editing Recorded MDs

Undoing the Last Edit (Undo

You can use the Undo Function to cancel the last edit
and restore the contents of the MD to the condition that
existed before editing was done. Note, however, that
you cannot undo an edit if you do any of the following
after the edit:

• Press the # REC button on the deck.
• Press the • button, the MUSIC SYNC button, or the

CD SYNC STANDBY button on the remote.

• Update the TOC by turning off the power or ejecting

the MD.

• Disconnect the AC power cord.


Press AMS or YES again.

"Complete!!" appears for a few seconds and the

contents of the MD are restored to the condition
that existed before the edit.

To cancel the Undo Function

Press MENU/NO or ■.




With the deck stopped and no track number
appearing in the display, press MENU / NO to
display "Edit Menu".

Turn AMS until "Undo ?" appears in the display.
"Undo ?" does not appear if no editing has been

Press AMS or YES.
One of the following messages appears in the
display, depending on the type of editing to be

Editing done:


Erasing a single track

Erasing all tracks on an MD

"Erase Undo?"

Erasing a part of a track

Dividing a track


Combining tracks


Moving a track

"Move Undo?"

Labeling a track or an MD

Changing an existing title

"Name Undo?"

Erasing all titles on an MD

Copying a title
