Creating a vlan, Changing the attributes of a vlan, Deleting a vlan – Dell Intel PRO Family of Adapters User Manual

Page 48: Updating the boot agent

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To uninstall an adapter, call IWbemServices::DeleteInstance, passing the object path of the adapter to uninstall.

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Creating a VLAN

Creating a VLAN:

Requires Session Handle.

PreCheck is available.

Requires an Apply call before operation is executed.

To create a VLAN, call the CreateVLAN method on the IANet_802dot1QVLANService for the adapter to which the VLAN is to

be added. The following arguments must be passed to the method:

VLANNumber, which is the number of the VLAN. (Range 1- 4094)

Name, which is a user-definable name to identify the VLAN.

The function will return the object path of the newly created VLAN in the Out parameter VLANpath. If this action fails, check

IANet_ExtendedStatus for the error code.

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Changing the Attributes of a VLAN

Changing the attributes of a VLAN:

Requires Session Handle.

PreCheck is available.

Requires an Apply call before operation is executed.

The client can change the VLANNumber and VLANName attributes for a VLAN. To change the priority of an adapter, first get

the instance of IANet_VLAN for the adapter (e.g. use IWbemServices::GetObject using the object path).

Then, change VLANNumber or VLANName to the desired values. Finally, call IWbemClassObject:: PutInstance to tell the

WMI Provider to update the attributes, passing the flag WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY. If this action fails, check the

IANet_ExtendedStatus for the error code.

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Deleting a VLAN

Deleting a VLAN:

Requires Session Handle.

PreCheck is available.

Requires an Apply call before operation is executed.

To delete a VLAN, call IWbemServices::DeleteInstance passing the object path of the VLAN to delete.

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Updating the Boot Agent

Updating the boot agent:

Does not require Session Handle.

PreCheck is not available.

Does not require an Apply call before operation is executed.

The client can update the Boot Agent Image by using methods calls. To read/write flash image, first get the instance of