Ianet_settingenum, Ianet_settingslider – Dell Intel PRO Family of Adapters User Manual

Page 31

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CurrentValue <= max

CurrentValue > = min

(CurrentValue - min) is a multiple of Step

Where max, min, CurrentValue and Step are all attributes of IANet_SettingInt.


Each IANet_SettingInt instance is associated with an IANet_Configuration instance using an instance of IANet_SettingContext.

Unsupported Attributes

SettingID is not used.


There are no supported methods for this class. To make changes to a setting, modify the required property and call


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This class models a setting that takes an integer value. There are several IANet setting classes used to model integers. The

differences between these classes is related to the way the GUI displays and modifies the integer and the way the Providers

validate. For IANet_SettingEnum, it is expected that the GUI will display a list of strings that map onto a small number of

enumerated values (e.g., a drop list combo box).


An instance of this class exists for each setting that will be displayed as an enum.

Creating Instances

You cannot create instances of this class.

Removing Instances

You cannot remove instances of this class.

Modifying Properties

The CurrentValue attribute is the only modifiable property of this class. Modify this property by using Put() to change the

value, then call PutInstance() to update the setting. The Providers will check that CurrentValue Є PossibleValues[]


Each IANet_SettingEnum instance is associated with an IANet_Configuration instance using an instance of


Unsupported Attributes

SettingID is not used.


There are no supported methods on this class. To make changes to a setting, modify the required property and call


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This class models a setting that takes an integer value. There are several IANet setting classes used to model integers. The

differences between these classes is related to the way the GUI displays and modifies the integer and the way the Providers

validate. For IANet_SettingSlider, it is expected that the GUI will display a slider that will allow you to choose the value in a

graphical manner - the actual value chosen need not be displayed.


An instance of this class exists for each setting that will be displayed as a slider.

Creating Instances

You cannot create instances of this class.