Core events, Ianet_sessionevent, Ianet_internalerrorevent – Dell Intel PRO Family of Adapters User Manual
Page 20

There are no user-modifiable properties of this class.
Supported Attributes
This class implements two attributes:
Version — Contains the current version of the core provider.
InstallDate — Contains the date that the providers were installed.
The following methods can be used to manage sessions:
void GetSessionHandle(([OUT] string SessionHandle, [out] uint32 ActiveSessions) — Used to set a session
handle string, which should be placed in the context object in the SessionHandle qualifier. ActiveSessions returns the
number of active sessions for this system. This allows clients to warn that others may be modifying the network
void Apply([IN] string sSessionHandle, [OUT] uint32 FollowupAction); — Applies changes made with a
particular session handle. The uint32 argument returned is used by the WMI and CDM Providers to tell the application
the server must be rebooted before the changes will take effect. This can be accomplished by calling the Reboot
method on the class Win32_OperatingSystem.
1 = System reboot required
0 = No reboot required
void ReleaseSessionHandle ([IN] string SessionHandle) — Releases a session handle after it has been used. Any
changes done with this session will be lost. The session handle will no longer be valid after this call and can no longer
be used.
void Cancel([IN] string SessionHandle); — Cancels a session. The internal cache will be cleared and any data read
following this call will show the current configuration.
Core Events
This event is used to notify the client about the use of the NCS session API. Clients can use this event to be informed if other
clients are creating or using sessions.
This event is triggered when a client creates a session, deletes a session, or calls Apply for a session.
Event Data
The EventType can have one of the following values:
"New session" indicates that a new session has been created by the client or another client.
"End session" indicates that a client has finished with a session. The session may have ended by the client or another
"Cache invalidated" indicates that another client has called Apply on a session. All other sessions are invalidated and
cache associated with their sessions has been deleted.
"Configuration changed" indicates that the session's configuration has changed.
The SessionHandle contains the session handle that triggered the event.
OpenSessions contains the number of open sessions. This data item is NULL for the "Cache invalidated" and "Configuration
changed" events.
This event is used to notify the client that an internal error has occurred in the event Providers. In some cases, this means
that the event provider is not able to report further events.
This event will occur: