1 installation requirements, 1 required disk space for installation, 2 software requirements – Dell Mellanox Family of Adapters User Manual
Page 58: 1 installer privileges, 3 downloading mellanox winof, 4 installing mellanox winof, 1 attended installation

Driver Installation and Configuration
Rev 1.1
Mellanox Technologies
Installation Requirements Required Disk Space for Installation
200 MB
Software Requirements
Microsoft Windows Server operating system Installer Privileges
The installation requires administrator privileges on the target machine
Downloading Mellanox WinOF
Step 1.
Verify that the machine architecture.
Open a CMD console (Click Start ' Run and enter CMD). Enter the following command.
On an x64 (64-bit) machine, the output will be "AMD64".
On an x86 (32-bit) machine, the output will be "x86
Step 2.
Download the Windows Driver Dell Update Package to your host.
The software release name has the format Network_Driver_NNNNN_WN64_XX.XX.XX.EXE.
Step 3.
Use an md5 checksum utility such as Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier to confirm the
file integrity of the downloaded file. Checksum information is on the Dell support site http://
Installing Mellanox WinOF
This section provides instructions for two types of installation:
1. Attended Installation - An installation procedure that requires frequent user intervention.
2. Unattended Installation - An automated installation procedure that requires no user interven-
tion. Attended Installation
Double click the Dell Update Package and follow the GUI instructions to install
For the list of supported operating systems, please refer to the release notes file accom-
panying the Windows Driver Dell Update Package on the Dell support site.
For specific installation instructions, please refer to the applicable software download
on the Dell support site: