7 quality of service tools – Dell Mellanox Family of Adapters User Manual
Page 29

User Manual for Mellanox ConnectX®-3 10/40 Gigabit Ethernet Adapters for Dell PowerEdge Servers
Rev 1.1
Mellanox Technologies
29 Quality of Service Tools
is a centralized tool used to configure QoS features of the local host. It communicates
directly with the driver thus does not require setting up a DCBX daemon on the system.
tool enables the administrator of the system to:
Inspect the current QoS mappings and configuration
The tool will also display maps configured by TC and
vconfig set_egress_map
tools, in order to
give a centralized view of all QoS mappings.
Set UP to TC mapping
Assign a transmission algorithm to each TC (strict or ETS)
Set minimal BW guarantee to ETS TCs
Set rate limit to TCs
For unlimited ratelimit set the ratelimit to 0.
mlnx_qos -i
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p LIST, --prio_tc=LIST
maps UPs to TCs. LIST is 8 comma seperated TC numbers.
Example: 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1 maps UPs 0-3 to TC0, and UPs
4-7 to TC1
-s LIST, --tsa=LIST Transmission algorithm for each TC. LIST is comma
seperated algorithm names for each TC. Possible
algorithms: strict, etc. Example: ets,strict,ets sets
TC0,TC2 to ETS and TC1 to strict. The rest are
-t LIST, --tcbw=LIST Set minimal guaranteed %BW for ETS TCs. LIST is comma
seperated percents for each TC. Values set to TCs that
are not configured to ETS algorithm are ignored, but
must be present. Example: if TC0,TC2 are set to ETS,
then 10,0,90 will set TC0 to 10% and TC2 to 90%.
Percents must sum to 100.
-r LIST, --ratelimit=LIST
Rate limit for TCs (in Gbps). LIST is a comma
seperated Gbps limit for each TC. Example: 1,8,8 will
limit TC0 to 1Gbps, and TC1,TC2 to 8 Gbps each.
-i INTF, --interface=INTF
Interface name
-a Show all interface's TCs