Working inside your computer, Before you begin, Safety first—for you and your computer – Dell OptiPlex G1 User Manual
Page 81: Kdswhu, Runlqj,qvlgh
Working Inside Your Computer
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:RUNLQJ,QVLGH Your Dell computer system supports a variety of internal options that expand system %HIRUH To make working inside your computer easier, make sure you have adequate lighting You will use the information in this section every time you install a hardware option Read this section carefully, because the information is not repeated in detail elsewhere in this guide. 6DIHW\)LUVW ³ )RU Working inside your computer is safe—if you observe the following precautions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
capabilities. This chapter prepares you to install options inside the computer. It
describes how to remove and replace the computer cover and expansion-card cage,
as well as rotate the power supply away from the system board. It also familiarizes
you with the internal components you may handle if you install Dell hardware options.
and a clean work space. If you temporarily disconnect cables or remove expansion
cards, note the position of the connectors and slots so that you can reassemble the
system correctly.
inside your computer.