Dell PowerVault 124T User Manual
Page 52

Troubleshooting: Dell PowerVault 124T DLT VS160 Autoloader User's Guide
file:///T|/htdocs/stor-sys/124T/en/124tvs16/trouble.htm[12/5/2012 10:26:08 AM]
ALD (Autoloader
Diagnostic) Limits Error
This error may occur as a result of a failed diagnostic test.
If the Magazine Test or Inventory Test failed, remove and inspect the
one at a time. Turn the white thumbwheels on each magazine and insure
that the carriers move freely at
least one full rotation in each direction. Re-insert each magazine after
If the Picker Test failed, verify there is no obstruction within the picker
assembly and repeat the test.
If the Random Moves test failed, see steps above for necessary actions.
Power cycle the autoloader and re-run the failed test. Contact
Tape Drive Error Types
Drive Reset Error
Check the TapeAlert log for more specific drive error information. Refer to
for recommended actions.
Drive HW Error
Drive Cleaning Required
Perform cleaning by loading a valid cleaning cartridge into the drive. If a
slot is available to be dedicated for a cleaning cartridge, this operation can
be enabled to run automatically within the Remote Management Unit
Configuration page.
Check the TapeAlert log for more specific drive error information. Refer to
If the drive continues to request cleaning, contact
General Drive Error
Check the TapeAlert log for more specific drive error information. Refer to
If the drive is logging Read/Write errors, repeat the operation with new
If the drive fails with two different pieces of media, contact
Drive Load Error
Perform cleaning by loading a valid cleaning cartridge into the drive. If a
slot is available to be dedicated for a cleaning cartridge, this operation can
be enabled to run automatically within the Remote Management Unit
Configuration page.
Try to load a different piece of media.
If the operation fails with two different pieces of media, contact
Drive Unload Error
Drive/Media Error Types
Media Threading Error
Check the TapeAlert log for more specific drive error information. Refer to
Verify that a valid cartridge type is in use.
Repeat operation with a new piece of media.
If the operation fails with two different pieces of media, contact
Media Unthreading Error
Media (MAM) Info Error
Invalid Media Type
Expired Cleaning Media
Unknown Media Error
Drive/Media Error
Miscellaneous Error Types