Dell PowerEdge C5230 User Manual
Page 38

1 Enter the Sender Address in the specified field.
2 Enter the Machine Name in the specified field.
3 In Primary SMTP Server, enter the Server Address in the specified field.
4 Enable the check box SMTP Server requires Authentication if you want
to authenticate SMTP Server.
5 Enter your User Name and Password in the respective fields.
6 In Secondary SMTP Server, enter the Server Address in the specific field.
7 Enable the check box SMTP Server requires Authentication if you want
to authenticate SMTP Server.
8 Enter your User Name and Password in the respective fields.
9 Click Save to save the entered details.
10 Click Reset to update the entered details.
The password for the SMTP User Account.
• Password must be at least 4 characters long.
• White space is not allowed.
• This field will not allow more than 64 characters.
Secondary SMTP Server
It lists the Secondary SMTP Server configuration. It is
an optional field. If the Primary SMTP server is not
working fine, then it tries with Secondary SMTP
Server configuration.
To save the new SMTP server configuration.
To reset the modified changes.
Table 1-18. SMTP Settings