Web-based interface – Dell POWEREDGE 1955 User Manual

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General System Configuration


Web-Based Interface

Supported Web Browsers

The DRAC/MC supports the following Web browsers:



Internet Explorer 6.0 (Service Pack 2)

Mozilla 1.7.8 (Red Hat


Enterprise Linux version 3 and version 4)

Mozilla 1.7.8 (SUSE


Linux Enterprise Server)

Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 4)

Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server version 9)


Cookies and JavaScript must be enabled.


When you run multiple DRAC/MC sessions using Mozilla or Firefox browsers, each browser

window shares the same session.
To fix this issue in the Mozilla browser, configure the Mozilla Profile Manager to use separate
profiles. Run the Mozilla Profile Manager from the operating system shell prompt by typing

mozilla -profilemanager


To fix this issue in Firefox, set the environment variable

MOZ_NO_REMOTE to 1. Changing the

environment variable creates a separate profile for each window (or session).


In Microsoft Internet Explorer, if the following configuration setting is selected


→ Internet Options→ Advanced→ Security→ Do not save encrypted pages to disk.

deselect this option and restart Internet Explorer.


For proper operation in the Microsoft Windows


XP SP2 and Microsoft Windows Server™

2003 SP1 operating systems, disable the Windows firewall.

See the latest DRAC/MC Readme located on the Dell Support website at
for the latest list of supported Web browsers.

Accessing the DRAC/MC Web-Based Interface

1 Open a Web browser.
2 Type https://

where is the IP address for the DRAC/MC.


The DRAC/MC default IP address is

3 To log in, type your DRAC/MC user name and password.


The DRAC/MC default user name is


and the default password is



For more information about using the DRAC/MC interface, see the online help or the Dell Remote
Access Controller/Modular Chassis User’s Guide.