Baumer GK473 User Manual
Page 14

Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG
Object 0x3100 SUB-Bus transparent transfer
This object enables the transparent transfer of SPA commands through the gateway.
Transfer is via CAN Bus as array of 14 bytes as Octet String ( Array of 14 Byte).
CANopen will consistently transfer this string one after the other by a so-called „segmented SDO“. In
the following example there are three messages.
Example: Programming the target –12.50, profile number 17, SPA with RS485 SUB-bus identifier 2
Gateway CANopen user address (Node ID) 1
SDO download = write on RS485 SUB-bus (SPA)
CAN telegrams CANopen master <-> GK473 Gateway
First the identifier/command pointer is set as 0x3000 on the SPA to be addressed.
Second the SPA command is transferred by 0x3100.
The data to be written (Octet String) are marked in blue.
For further details regarding data contents and format please refer to the respective manual.
More examples in the annex.
Example: Read target of SPA with RS485 SUB-bus identifier 2
Gateway CANopen user address (Node ID) 1
SDO upload = read from RS485 SUB-bus (SPA)
CAN telegrams CANopen Master <-> GK473 Gateway
First the identifier/ command pointer 0x3000 is set on the SPA to be addressed.
After reading command 0x3100 the read SPA data (Octet String) are marked in blue.
Result: SPA with SUB-bus user identifier 2 provides profile no. 17 with target –12.50
For further details regarding data contents and format please refer to the respective manual.
More examples in the annex.
SPA identifier 2 (0x20
+2 = 0x22)
command = „S“ =0x53 =
SPA identifier 2 (0x20
+2 = 0x22)
command = „S“ =0x53 =