CTEK Z4300U SkyRouter User Manual

Page 28

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22 September 2009


Auto – PAD automatically attempts to connect to the destinations defined in the Outbound IP Parameters. The PAD
will start with destination 1 and will continue to sequence through all defined destinations until a connection is

*** NOTE ***
: If Auto is selected for Dial Mode, then Answer Mode is effectively disabled since the PAD will be
continuously attempting to establish an outbound connection.

AT Command Response

On – Response and error messages generated

Off – No responses or error messages generated

AT Command Echo

On – All characters echoed in command mode

Off - No echo of command characters

AT Escape Sequence – When the PAD is in data mode, it accepts the standard +++ escape sequence to return to data
mode. In some applications, this is not desirable.

On – Enables the standard +++ escape sequence

Off – Disables the escape sequence

DTR Control

On – Enables call control based on the state of DTR

Off – PAD ignores state of DTR

Local Echo

On – All characters received in both command and data mode will be echoed.

Off – No echo of local characters will be done. Command characters will still be echoed if AT Command Echo is on.

Outbound IP Parameters – The user may define as many as four destinations that will be used by the PAD

Inbound IP Parameters

Listen port number – Defines the port that the PAD will listen on for incoming connections.

Accept calls from all IP addresses or Accept calls from only the following IP addresses – Allows the user to selectively
accept inbound calls based on the source IP address.

Data Management Parameters

Termination Character – The user may define a termination character that will cause any buffered characters to be sent.
In conjunction with the Termination Character parameter, the user may define the length of a block check sequence
(Block Check Length) that follows the termination character. This will ensure that LRC or CRC characters following the
Termination Character are included in the same outbound message.