CTEK Z4300U SkyRouter User Manual
Page 17

22 September 2009
Flow Control – Selects No flow control, Hardware Flow Control (RTS/CTS), or Software Flow Control (XON/XOFF). If
RTS/CTS is selected make sure that the cable you are using has those pins connected on both ends. Many pre-
manufactured cables either do not terminate these signals or else jumper them into a permanent True state.
Service – determines the mode of operation for the RS232 port.
None - Indicates that a custom application and protocol has been implemented.
TCP PAD - Selects the Packet Assembly and Disassembly Service.
4.2.2 Configuring The Relay Input Interface
This screen configures the connection characteristics of the relay input interface and defines the service associated with
this interface. Currently, the relay interface can cause an SMS message to be sent to another wireless device or an e-
mail message to be sent to any valid email address.
Appendix A contains schematic information concerning the relay input configuration.
Figure 11
Relay Input Trigger – Establishes the conditions under which the Relay Service will be invoked. Unless it is disabled the
relay input is sampled at 1000 millisecond (1 second) intervals.
Disabled – Never respond to relay activity
On Closure – Respond when relay contacts go closed
On Opening - Respond when relay contacts go open