Bio-Rad Model EP-1 Econo Pump User Manual

Page 22

background image


Possible Cause


Large change in

Re-calibrate flow.

back pressure or

fluid viscosity

Restriction on inlet



Excessive tubing

Platen too tight

Turn platen adjustment screw


clockwise to stop flow, then

clockwise until flow starts.

Cannot calibrate

Pump must be

Insure that pump is stopped.


stopped in order to

calibrate pump

Error message

Contact Bio-Rad Technical

displayed upon


powering up (ER ##)

Section 10
Embedded Functions

During a technical service call, you may be asked to perform tasks

which require you to press combinations of keys. These tasks are defined

10.1 Software Confirmation

To check the version of software installed in the Econo Pump, simul-

taneously hold down the direction key (in the upper left corner) and the
“down” arrow key on the front panel of the Econo Pump. The four digit
display should display “v2.01” or higher.

10.2 Warm Reboot

You may be asked to perform a warm reboot if the Econo Pump soft-

ware is not functioning properly. To initiate a warm reboot, press the
Tubing Calibration and Down Arrow keys simultaneously and hold for 3

10.3 Cold Reboot

A cold reboot may be necessary if the warm reboot was unsuccessful.

Turn off the pump and hold the Tubing Calibration and Down Arrow keys
while turning the pump back on. Hold the two keys until the display


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