Bio-Rad Model EP-1 Econo Pump User Manual
Page 18

2. During the Vo period of the fraction collection scheme (as indicated by
the Vo indicator light), the fraction collector is not active. To collect
fractions during this void volume period, cancel Vo by pressing the
Fraction Collector key. The fraction collector will start, with the LED
display indicating the time-progression of the collection scheme.
3. When the fraction collector is disabled by pressing the Fraction
Collector key, the fraction collector carousel will advance one tube.
4. When the fraction collector indicator light on the pump is lit, the Model
2110 Fraction Collector will be put into remote mode. Only the
manual advance keys will be active, and the Model 2110 display reads
5. The fraction collection control feature of the Model EP-1 Econo Pump
can be used to turn off the pump even if a fraction collector is not
connected. Simply enter 0 for fraction size. After confirming the Vt
value entered (the Vt light will be lit solid), start the pump, if not
already running; then press the flashing Program Run key. The LED
display will show time elapsed. The pump will stop automatically when
the total run volume has been delivered.
Use of the Diverter Valve
The optional Model SV-3 diverter valve (catalog number 731-8235)
provides a means to divert the eluant stream from a fraction collector to a
waste receptacle or other collection device during a fraction collection
program. If the void volume function (Vo) of the collection scheme is
enabled with the diverter valve in place, the eluant stream will be diverted
away from the fraction collector during that period. When that period is
over, the eluant stream will be diverted to the fraction collector. Whenever
the diverter valve changes from waste to collect, or vice versa, an event
mark is generated. This will appear as a deflection on the chart recorder.
For connection of the diverter valve, see Figure 7.1.
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