Bio-Rad DCode™ Universal Mutation Detection System User Manual

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Fig. 3.4. Sequence Display window for the Copy of TP53ex8 wild-type sequence.

Introduce a "G to A" mutation at position 47 by selecting the "G" in the first line, fourth

position from the right. Replace the "G" by typing in a lower case letter “a” as shown in Fig-
ure 3.5. Lower case letters can be used to highlight important bases. Change the description
of the sequence by selecting the text "Copy of TP53ex8 wild-type" with the mouse, and then
type in the new name "TP53ex8 mutant".

Fig. 3.5. Creating a single base mutation at position 47 in the TP53ex8 mutant sequence.

The Sequence Display window also shows the melting probability and whether the melt-

ing data will be graphed. The melting probability can be set to 5%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 95%,
with the default setting of 50%. The melting profile data for the current sequence can be
graphed when the Show graph box is checked. Finally, click OK to save the changes and
return to the Project View (Figure 3.6). After exiting the Sequence Display window, the melt-
ing profile of the new sequence is calculated. With a short sequence and a fast computer it