Bio-Rad DCode™ Universal Mutation Detection System User Manual

Page 24

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The Delete command will delete the currently selected sequence from the project.


The Duplicate command will make an identical copy of the selected sequence. This can be
handy to create a mutant sequence by first "cloning" a sequence and then editing the copy.

Export Sequence

The Export command exports the sequence in FASTA format to a text file. The text file will
contain a single description line starting with the ">" character, followed by lines of sequence.
The command will open a dialog box that allows you to choose where the file is to be stored.

Export Data

The Export Data function exports the melting profile data to a text file. The command will
open a dialog box that allows you to choose where the file is to be stored. The data are stored
as a plain text file with one line per base-pair, containing the predicted temperature at that
position. The melting temperature is not predicted for the first and last base-pair, so there will
be two fewer lines than the number of base-pairs in the sequence.

8.4 Graph Menu

Show or Hide Graph

The Show or Hide Graph command will show or hide the Graph View.

Edit Graph Axis

The Edit Graph Axis command allows changing the axis values of the graph. The temperature
range (y-axis) can be adjusted from 0–120 °C. The sequence position (x-axis) can be adjusted
from 0–10,000 base-pairs.

Default Graph Axis

The Default Graph Axis command will adjust the axis so a full view of the melting profile
graph can be seen. The temperature range is set to 20–120 °C, and the sequence range is set
to include all of the longest sequence in the project. WinMelt users can also zoom out by
clicking the right mouse button on the graph.


The Export command will export the melting profile graph to an image file in the Windows
Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format in WinMelt, or PICT format in MacMelt.