Bio-Rad Helios® Gene Gun System User Manual

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Section 1
General Safety Information

Caution: In particle bombardment DNA-coated microparticles are accelerated to

velocities in excess of 1,000 ft/sec in order to penetrate the cell membrane and through multi-
ple layers of cells in tissues and organs. In the Helios Gene Gun, this accelerating force is
supplied by a high pressure helium pulse. Numerous safety features have been designed into this
instrument to protect both the user and bystanders. The parts used in manufacturing the Helios
Gene Gun have been chosen because they are designed to work at the pressures required for oper-
ation and have a wide safety margin. General safety principles are indicated below. Specific
safety recommendations are indicated in the appropriate sections throughout the manual.

1.1 Helios Gene Gun Safety

Caution: While the Helios Gene Gun has a trigger button which is time-activated by

a safety interlock switch, accidental or unintentional discharge is still possible. Do not point
the gun at people. The Helios Gene Gun is for research use only.

Refer to Section 4.2 for connecting the Helios Gene Gun to a helium source, to Section 5.3

for use of the Gene Gun, and to Section 5.4 for depressurization and shut down of the Gene Gun.

1.2 Pressurized Helium and Nitrogen Safety

Caution: Although helium and nitrogen are neither toxic nor flammable, all gases

under pressure are potentially dangerous if used improperly. Always be sure pressurized tanks
are properly secured. This may be accomplished by placing the tank in a floor stand or by using
a wall-mounted or bench-mounted strap. Please follow the instructions provided with the
helium cylinder from the supplier and those that are applicable for your institution (see your
Site Safety Officer). Bio-Rad has supplied tubing, fittings, a control valve, and a pressure
regulator capable of safely handling the high pressure helium gas used in the Helios Gene
Gun. These components have been carefully selected and are the only parts to be used with
the Helios Gene Gun System.

Refer to Section 2.4 for a description of the helium and nitrogen gases required for the

Helios Gene Gun System.

1.3 Power Safety

Figure 1 shows the serial number certification label which is found underneath the

molded case of the Helios Gene Gun. This label provides the manufacturing data about the
instrument. This instrument is operational using a standard 9 volt battery. Change the bat-
tery only after detaching the Gene Gun from the helium hose.

Refer to Section 2.4 for a description of the battery required for the Gene Gun and to

Section 4.1 for information on replacing the battery in the Gene Gun.