Bio-Rad Helios® Gene Gun System User Manual
Page 17

Fig. 9. Battery compartment.
The battery compartment is located at the base of the handle of the Gene
Gun next to the connection for the helium hose and is protected by a battery cover that slides forward.
The battery is inserted with the positive terminal (the smaller of the two terminals) facing forward.
4.2 Connecting the Helios Gene Gun to a Helium Source
Refer to Section 1, Safety Information, and Section 3.2, Identification of System
Components and Controls, prior to system installation.
Helium Pressure Regulator Installation
Components needed
Pressure regulator for helium cylinder (with pressure relief valve, check valve, and female
Quick-Connect fitting), provided with unit (Figure 10).
Helium cylinder of grade 4.5 or higher (minimum 99.995% pure); maximum pressure of
2,600 psi, user supplied.
1 1/8" open-end wrench or a 10" or 12" adjustable wrench, user supplied.
Note: The regulator is intended for use only with helium gas with a maximum pressure
of 2,600 psi. The outlet on pressurized helium cylinders used in the United States is com-
patible with the fitting supplied on the pressure regulator with the Helios Gene Gun
System (CGA 580, female fitting). Outside the US, contact your local Bio-Rad office for
information regarding the proper cylinder/regulator fitting in your area.
1. Secure the cylinder in a floor stand or to a wall or lab bench with a strap so it will not tip
or fall during use.
2. Inspect the cylinder valve for dirt, dust, oil, grease or damaged threads. Remove dust and
dirt with a clean cloth. Do not attach the regulator if you determine that the valve port is
damaged or cannot be cleaned. Inform your gas supplier of this condition and request a
replacement cylinder.
3. Clear the valve port of any foreign matter by standing to the side of the cylinder and
quickly opening and closing the cylinder valve.
4. Attach the regulator to the cylinder valve and tighten securely with a 1 1/8" open-end
wrench or a 10" or 12" adjustable wrench.