Network pilot display – B&G Network Pilot (ACP) User Manual
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The Network Pilot Display is designed to be mounted above or below
deck. The display head allows control of the autopilot and by installing
multiple display heads, gives control at any station. It can be connected
to all other Network Instruments via the network cable tails to provide an
integrated autopilot and navigational system. It is essential that the
autopilot is initialised before operation, details are given in the
commissioning section of this manual.
In an integrated system boat speed is supplied from Network SPEED or
QUAD units and wind speed and wind angle from Network WIND via
the system network for Steer to Compass and Steer to Vane modes.
Boat speed can also be set using the display head when required.
When a GPS
is included in the system all required data is carried to
the Pilot via the network cable connection. Without a GPS
on the
system, NMEA 0183 (v1.5) data can be input to the Pilot via the 3 pin
socket located on the rear of the display unit.
The display heads are supplied with a clip-in mounting bracket which
allows for easy installation, access from behind is not necessary to
secure the unit in place. However to prevent theft or if removal of the
unit is not required then locking studs and thumb-nuts are supplied to
allow for permanent fixing.