Great Plains PD8070 Operator Manual User Manual
Page 41

Maintenance and Lubrication
Skip Stop™ Installation. Skip Stop can be easily
added to existing finger pick-up meters. Carefully fol-
low these steps:
Remove back metal cover (6)
by removing five bolts holding
cover on. Four bolts attach
cover to metal housing (1) and
one bolt (2) holds idler wheel
(4) and bushing (3).
Align new Skip Stop metal
cover (6) over housing (1).
NOTE: New Skip Stop metal
cover has a hole cut out for
Skip Stop Cushion (7). Make
sure idler wheel (4) and bush-
ing (3) remain properly
aligned and insert 1/4” x 2”
bolt (2). Secure bolt loosely.
Insert remaining three 1/4” x
1/2” bolts to fasten metal cover
to housing. Tighten all bolts
Tighten bolt (2) that secures
idler wheel and turn belt via the bearing shaft by
hand to verify that belt is centered between hous-
ing. If necessary, loosen bolt and slide cover to
adjust and re-center belt.
Drill 1/4” hole (8) through housing (1) for second
Skip Stop bolt hole (8). Use Skip Stop metal cover
as a template.
Place Skip Stop Cushion (7) over the opening. In-
sert two 1/4” x 3/4” bolts to secure Skip Stop
Cushion (7) to housing.
Make sure Skip Stop Cushion (7) is secured tight-
ly to back metal cover and cannot turn or rotate.
WARNING!!! A loose Skip Stop Cushion (7) may
result in seed leakage, poor meter performance,
and planting errors!!!
Make sure Skip Stop Cushion (7) does not inter-
fere with belt (5) rotation in any manner. A catch
point could result in poor meter performance.
Skip Stop™ Annual Maintenance. Skip Stop should
be inspected on an annual basis. Inspect cushion for
wear, pockets, or other abnormalities that may devel-
op. Excessive wear or pocket formation may cause
seeds to become trapped and disrupt singulation per-
formance. As a rule of thumb, if there is a pocket that
is large enough to hold one or more seeds after the
belt has passed by, Skip Stop Cushion should be
Population Max™ Warnings.
Make sure transition between the Population Max
backing plate and the insert is smooth. A slight in-
cline from backing plate to insert (clockwise mo-
tion) may cause seeds to catch. Readjust insert if
Be cautious in using seed treatments, additives,
and other chemcials. They can cause meter perfor-
mance problems, premature wear to meter parts,
and may cause undesired chemical reaction or de-
terioration to the Population Max material. When
using seed treatments always use graphite.
Only use Precision Planting graphite which is less
abrasive than the planter manufacturer’s powder
graphite. Generally, seeds coated with Maxim or
similar coatings do not need graphite. Other seed
coatings like Captan or Poncho generally benefit
from graphite.
If PopMax plates are not installed in meter, store in
a vertical position on a cylindrical rod or face to
Always pay attention to seed monitor and opera-
tor’s manual. Be sure to monitor amount of seed
being planted compared to expected outcome.
NOTE: Always investigate abnormalities!!
Figure 32
Skip Stop Installation